Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Transitions and Milestones

I had a dream last night that I was babysitting my cousins again, and somehow I was completely neglecting their welfare, and like, having a really hard time juggling caring for the one over the other. I woke up with this sense of having done something wrong that I would have to deal with and make right in some way.

It's been hitting me more and more frequently that "pregnant" is going to end much sooner than I'd realized, and "baby" is going to be invading in a very real way. So far I've been consumed with eating the right things, taking the pills, reading the books, seeing the doctor; but having an actual baby to care for is something else altogether, and that transition, mentally, is starting to slowly take place.

I bought her some baby clothes at TJ Maxx over the weekend, and it was the first time that I'd been shopping for things for my own child -- not for a fantasy, some-day kid, or for someone else's kid that I was living vicariously through, but my own real, soon to be on the outside, flesh and blood child. It was kind of like a milestone in its own right.

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