Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Best Baby Ever

I’ve been neglecting the blog, since it didn’t seem as important to keep it up any more. But I’ve missed it, so I’m back. I’ve been journaling regularly in baby’s journal, so she’ll have that record at least, of the time that isn’t chronicled here. 

Now that Megan is pregnant, I’m reliving all of my preggo days. I can see now why I got so much advice from other folks – everyone loves a pregnant lady, especially other former-preggos (that is, moms). I’ve been trying to pass on all the best bits I learned during my own delicate time, while not over-burdening her with unsolicited advice. No one likes that. But since I can’t pass down clothes – she’s having a boy – I must pass down pearls of wisdom. 

I’m so glad I kept these little records for Vy – the journal, this blog, all the pictures and notes of how I was feeling and what was going on. Since I’m already dreaming about having another one, it will do me good to remember just how much it all sucked for a while, hehe. 

But she sure is the cutest little thing in the world. I’m in love with her hands this week. They are so little and cute, so expressive in ways she doesn’t intend. I want to eat them! I know it’s probably silly of me at this stage, seeing as she’s only 3 months, but I find myself hugging her to me, especially at night or early morning, when she’s sleepy and nursing and we’re all alone, and feeling just the barest hint of sadness at the fact that even as I can’t wait to see her grown up and gain the milestones ahead of her, I am already clinging to her babyhood, feeling like it’s just sailing by me all too quickly; that as much as I want to hear her talk, I already miss the fact that she can’t, that she just blows bubbles and smiles; and even in that I am nostalgic for the days only a few short weeks ago when all she did was sleep and eat and cry because she was just a newbie and too small to do anything else. Sweet, sweet pain of motherhood. I want you to grow up, but I want you to be forever my baby. 

Now that I’m back at work, Shawn has assumed day care duties. They are getting along famously. She’s only had one bad day so far, and he’s enjoying it more than he thought he would – I think we were both worried that she would be screaming all day, that only I could calm her and that she would freak out when left alone with him. But so far, they’ve become fast friends. I make him text me pictures during the day, and updates. Her picture is all over my desk, so I can look at her funny face all day long. I totally laugh out loud to myself at random intervals when I chance to catch one of her pics out of the corner of my eye. She’s the best ever.

1 comment:

  1. She IS the 'best ever', except for MY BubbaDee. And now, you begin to understand YOUR mom's crazy love for you.
