Monday, March 7, 2011

Head Down

Just a quick note today to record the doctor's visit. We did a quick exam that wasn't entirely pleasant to me to check for various things, then did an ultrasound to check baby's position. She is already head-down and ready to go, so that's good. Unless something weird happens, no c-sections for me. And lordy if she isn't bigger than it seems possible to be in such a small space. Not like, too big or anything, but just, it's crazy to think that even at that small size she seems so big already. Weird.

The doctor continues to not be worried about my weight gain, so it's still just me feeling like a house. I took some cute pics of the belly last night, will post asap.


  1. Countdown begins! Your weight and girth are relativity-in-action.

    Violet is going to be the most inspiring person in your life.

  2. okay my only comment is "don't get your hopes up" Dan was heads down and 38 and born two full weeks late cause he floated back to the top. babies move ... so just take it one day at a time. gathering fabric and it is looking sweet
